Meet Brent Lee, a second-year student at Fisher College majoring in communications and media studies with a concentration in video production.
Brent graduated high school in 2020, during the height of the pandemic. During that time he decided to take a few gap years before going to college. He grew up in Newton, Massachusetts, just 25 minutes outside of the city. When it came time to decide on a college, being close to home was at the top of his list. When he researched Fisher College, he found out that he would be able to play for Fisher College’s Esports team, specifically for Super Smash Brother Ultimate (SSBU), while studying video production.
Brent’s journey into Super Smash Bros. began when he was 10 years old. “I wanted to beat my brother and a family friend, so I learned how to get better at the game," he explained. "I got really hooked and found it extremely fun, eventually going to my first tournament when I was 12. I’m 22 now and have been competing in tournaments ever since.”
Last year, Brent had the opportunity to compete at CECC Texas, where he faced off against Winthrop University on the main stage during the grand finals. Reflecting on the experience, he shared, “It was a really awesome experience. It was great that they covered all the expenses, and I’m grateful to be able to travel for free playing the game I love.”
While Brent had a deep passion for the game, competing in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at the collegiate level was “convenient” says Brent, largely because Fisher College had his desired major. Brent expressed, “I’d say collegiate events are another way to push my limits, but if there wasn’t a major, I was interested in, I probably wouldn’t have come to Fisher just for collegiate Esports.”
In addition to being part of the esports team, Brent works as a Marketing Assistant in Fisher College’s Office of Marketing and Communications, where he creates content for Fisher College's social media channels like National Coaches Day, Fisher Friday features, and other campus activities. His marketing journey started through his friend, Elsie Bailey, a part of the esports program and former work-study student in the office. Brent began by volunteering to help Elsie with content creation. Brent realized how much he enjoyed doing and asked if he would be able to work for MarCom in the Fall, after interviewing for the position an offer was extended for the Fall Semester, which he accepted. Reflecting on the experience, he shared, “I think it’s good that I decided to do this work-study because it is pushing me in new ways and is making me do things I haven’t done before. It's a great experience and I feel that it will prepare me for similar things down the line.”
Brent's typical day begins with attending classes, having lunch, and then going to the marketing and communications office for his shift. After work, he usually goes to the gym and enjoys playing non-competitive games like Overwatch and Street Fighter Six. Then he makes time for his academics and spends time with friends. On certain days, around 7:00 p.m., he participates in Collegiate SSBU Crew Battles. However, with the obligations of work, academics, social activities, and esports Brent has had to find ways to manage time. “Managing my time with my esports responsibilities can be stressful at times, but as long as I keep track of what days and times my matches are, I can make sure to balance my time accordingly with my academics.”
During his first year on campus, Brent organized an SSBU tournament in Alumni Hall called the Fisher Smash Casual Clash. The event was designed for players who weren't on the SSBU esports team to keep things fair. The tournament drew 50 competitors, with many others coming to watch and enjoy the event. Brent managed to raise a $2,000 prize pool through crowd-funding efforts, which was awarded to the top 16 finishers. Reflecting on the experience, he said, “The experience was a bit hard and stressful to organize, but I was able to do it with the help of my roommates and friends. I look forward to hopefully running another event and hopefully having it be just as successful.”
While working towards his degree in Communications and Media Studies, with a concentration in Video Production, he discovered his passion for writing. “I am somebody who doesn’t find reading to be an easy task, but I think that Professor Grosvenor has really pushed me to become a better reader and learn a lot more about stories.”
He further reflected on how this newfound appreciation for stories connects with his video production studies: “I’ve realized that short stories and movies, something I am really passionate about being a video production major, are very similar things. Grosvenor is very passionate about stories and it makes me more passionate.”
Over the next few years, Brent hopes to make more connections and enjoy the rest of his time at Fisher College. However, he gives a piece of advice for those looking to go into esports or just go to college. “Talk to as many people as you can. There are so many people at school and you can learn so much from talking to so many different types of people. Especially at a place like college, people are from all over the globe, so you can learn a lot of different things whether it’s about life or esports.”
Interested in joining Fisher College's esports team? Complete the request form for more details!