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Minors allow a student to gain knowledge and experience in a field other than their major. This can be done to complement their major by choosing a minor in a related but separated field that expands their specialization or it can be used to explore an unrelated area of interest.

Minors are available to bachelor degree-seeking students. A minor will consist of 15-18 credits. In addition, courses taken to fulfill general education requirements in social science, math, computer science, or humanities may also be used to fulfill minor requirements. 

  • 15-credit minor: A maximum of two courses required for a major can be used toward the minor. 
  • 18-credit minor: A maximum of three courses required for a major can be used toward the minor. 

The following minors are offered at Fisher College with their course requirements:
*Offered on the Boston campus only
  • CS101 Computers & Apps 
  • CS150 AI for Everyone
  • CS250 AI for Decision-Making
  • CS351 AI for Creativity and Design
  • CS452 AI Ethics
The Biology minor consists of five courses:
  • SC120 General Biology I
  • SC214 General Biology II
  • Three SC courses at the 300- or 400-level, one of which must be a 4-credit lab science
A minor in Communication and Media Studies complements most any major, and provides students additional training in the writing and oral communication skills desired by employers. The Communication and Media Studies minor consists of five courses:
  • CM105 Public Speaking
  • CM100 or CM101
  • Three CM courses, two must be at the 300- or 400-level
The Computer Forensics minor instructs students in the practice of collecting, analyzing and reporting on digital information so that it may serve as evidence in criminal or civil court proceedings. The Computer Forensics minor consists of six courses:
  • CJ314 Crime Mapping and Analysis
  • CJ330 Cybercrime
  • CS210 Database Design and Management
  • CS233 System and Network Fundamentals
  • CS430 Special Topics in Computer Forensics
  • SO105 Introduction to Criminology
A minor in Computer Information Systems offers technical training in website programming, mobile phone applications, project management, and other skills today’s information economy requires. The Computer Information Systems minor consists of six courses:
  • CS101 Computer Concepts and Applications*
  • CS234 Website Programming and Development
  • One CS course at the 200-level
  • Three CS courses at the 300- or 400-level
 Total: 18 credits
* May be waived with proficiency exam passing score
Criminal Justice
A minor in Criminal Justice introduces students to the inner-workings of the criminal justice system and the numerous career opportunities available in law enforcement, the courts and corrections systems, and crime analysis. The Criminal Justice minor consists of five courses:
  •  CJ101 Introduction to Criminal Justice or SO105 Criminology
  • One CJ course at the 200-level
  • Three CJ courses at the 300- or 400-level
Diversity Studies
The Diversity Studies minor consists of five courses from the below list, with at least three at the 300- or 400-level.
  • AN101 Cultural Anthropology
  • CM235 International Film Studies
  • CM415 Communication and Gender
  • EN185 Images of Women in Literature
  • EN187 Women Writers
  • EN305 Multicultural American Literature
  • GE103 World Geography
  • HI132 Women in History
  • HI210 African American History
  • HI211 History of Latin America
  • HI300 Colonial Latin America
  • PH123 Introduction to World Religions
  • PS320 Human Sexuality
  • PS421 Psychology of Women
  • SO121 Social Justice, Race, and Gender Issues in American Society
  • SO131 Sociology of Gender
  • SO315 Diversity Seminar
A minor in English can sharpen a student’s writing and critical thinking skills, while simultaneously introducing them to classic and contemporary works of fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction prose. The English minor consists of five courses:
  • EN201 Intermediate Writing
  • One EN100-, 200-, 300- or 400-level elective*
  • Three EN courses at the 300- or 400-level
*EN001, EN101, and EN102 may not be used to fulfill this requirement


Fashion Merchandising

  • FM102 / FM220 Fashion Merchandising or Retail Management
  • FM209 Retail Buying
  • FM225 Textile Science
  • FM315 Global Retail Markets
  • MK201 / FM210 / MK220 Principles of Marketing, Fashion Marketing, or Consumer Behavior
Hospitality and Event Planning
The Hospitality and Event Planning minor offers non-management majors exposure to this multi-billion dollar industry. Students who enjoy working with people and seek a career with variety will find much to like in this customer-service oriented profession. The Hospitality and Event Planning minor consists of five courses:
  • TH101 Principles of Hospitality
  • TH106 Principles and Practices of Event Management
  • TH300 Food and Beverage Operations
  • SM415 Sport Facility and Event Management
  • MG390 Management Internship
Human Resource Management 
The Human Resources Management Minor provides non-management majors with the tools needed to effectively manage people. The program emphasizes current law and labor practices, as well as the strategies needed to motivate and retain a company’s most valuable assets—its employees. The Human Resources Management minor consists of six courses:
  • HR210 Talent Management
  • HR360 Compensation and Benefits
  • HR401 Employment Law and Labor Relations
  • HR410 Strategic Human Resource Management & Emerging Issues
  • MG202 Human Resource Management
Human Services
  • HS101 Introduction to Human Services
  • HS202 Practice of Counseling
  • HS301 Crisis Intervention
  • HS402 Systems and Policies
  • Any 300- or 400-level HS/PS/SO course
The Management minor complements any major and is ideal for managers-to-be or students who want to understand the core components of business. The minor also helps students develop strong critical thinking and analytical skills. The Management minor consists of five courses:
  • AC121 Financial Accounting
  • MG201 Principles of Management
  • MG321 Organizational Behavior
  • MG435 Operations Management
  • MG441 Business Policy and Strategic Management
The Marketing minor teaches non-marketing majors how to generate value for consumers by developing products or services that meet customer needs. The minor is ideal for students who might one day open their own business. The Marketing minor consists of five courses: 
  • MK201 Principles of Marketing
  • CM215 Introduction to Advertising or CM225 Introduction to Public Relations 
  • One CM course CM215/CM220/CM225/CM316/CM325
  • Three MK classes at the 300- or 400-level
The Psychology minor provides students with insights about the human mind and explores why people behave in certain ways. In addition to learning about yourself, a psychology minor can help you to better understand the nuances of human behavior. The Psychology minor consists of six courses: 
  • PS101 Introduction to Psychology
  • PS133 Psychology of Women; or SO121 Social Justice, Race, and Gender; or SO131 Sociology of Gender
  • PS208 Abnormal Psychology
  • PS315 Social Psychology
  • PS322 Cognitive Psychology or PS325 Physiological Basis of Behavior
  • One PS course at the 300- or 400-level
Social Media
The Social Media minor consists of six courses:
  • MK201 Principles of Marketing
  • MK220 Consumer Behavior
  • MK330/MK303/MK281 E-Marketing/Social Media and Digital Strategies/E-mail Marketing
  • CS234 Website Programming and Development
  • CM335 Writing for Social Media

Sport Coaching and Fitness

The Sport Coaching and Fitness minor consists of five courses:
  • PS203 Psychology of Sport or PS310 Health Psychology
  • SM220 Principles of Coaching
  • SM225 Foundations of Health and Fitness
  • SM415 Sport Facility and Event Management
  • Choose one of the following:
    • SM325 Advanced Concepts of Personal Training (Option of becoming NCSF Certification/NCCA Accredited)
    • SM355 Advanced Concepts of Strength and Conditioning (Option of becoming NCSF Certified Strength Coach/NCCA accredited)
    • Any Sport Management (SM) class

Sport Management 

The Sport Management minor consists of five courses:
  • SM101 Introduction to the Sport Industry
  • SM105 History of Sport in American Society
  • Three SM courses; one at the 300- or 400-level