Medical Coding Certificate
This Medical Coding Undergraduate Certificate program prepares students for challenging coding positions in hospitals, clinics, ambulatory surgery centers, insurance companies and other settings which diagnostic and procedural data are coded for reimbursement purposes. This certificate program is designed to be completed fully online, and most credits in the certificate program are applicable to the Associate of Science degree in Health Information Technology.
Program Requirements
Coding Certifications
Graduates of the Medical Coding Certificate program distinguish themselves in the field by advancing to become certified professionals. Students may choose to complete the certification exam to become a Certified Coding Associate (CCA) or a Certified Coding Specialist (CCS). For more information about the types of Medical Coding Certifications, please visit the AHIMA website.
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Program Snapshot
Credits: 37-39
Learning Format: Online
Term Length: 8-weeks
Typical Time to Completion*:
10 terms; 20 months
Grade Requirement: Students must earn a C or higher in all courses taken for this certificate program
Gainful Employment Disclosure
Fisher College has adopted early rescission of the Gainful Employment regulations (2014 Rule) as made available via the Department of Education’s June 28, 2019 Electronic Announcement. This includes early rescission of section 482 (c) of the HEA with regulatory changes to subpart Q and subpart R of the Student Assistance General Provisions at Title 34 part 668 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Fisher College has removed Gainful Employment disclosure templates from all materials and will not be distributing templates to prospective students. In addition, Fisher College will not provide Gainful Employment data for the 2018-2019 award year.
*Based on continuous enrollment. Time to completion may be shorter based on eligible transfer credit or longer if course enrollment varies.